Hudson Valley Sudbury School

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Helping the School Raise Money

We are an associate of This means that when you purchase any products from using this interface, the school receives a percentage of the purchase price. In most cases, the school will receive 7.5% of the purchase price of items bought directly from

How to Purchase Items

Use the Search box, or Browse boxes to find the item(s) that you want to purchase. For each item that you want, click on the Add to Cart button. This will place the item in your Amazon shopping cart and pop-up the shopping cart in a new window. When you are done shopping, go to you shopping cart using the 'Cart' link at the top of the page (if the shopping cart window is not already open) and complete your purchase.

Available Products

Amazon sells a huge quantity of products - not just books. They have organized their products into different catalogs, for example Books, Music, DVDs, etc. This site will eventually support all of the different Amazon catalogs. For now it supports the catalogs shown by the tabs at the top of the page.

If you Have Problems

If you are having problems, and there appears to be an error on this web site, please send an email to [email protected]. I will take a look at it as quickly as possible.

Copyright © 2004 Hudson Valley Sudbury School