Customer Reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Interesting Read, May 11, 2023 This book is a sequel.Though I did not read the first title I was not lost about the characters.This book gave catch up so I understood what happen in the previous book. Samantha is getting over the death of her friend Julianna. During her sadness she meets a new friend named Mona in summer school.Mona let her feel alive again and they end up living together.But as time draws near for Juliana birthday Samantha goes into a withdrawn state and neither her mother or Mona knows what to do. An interesting read though I do not like books that have death and sadness in them it was not bad. They are also very diverse characters in this book Mona's mom who is bi-polar who sometimes goes after Mona, Samantha starts dating Noah who is model who is very narcissitic and they ended up breaking up and Daniel who dates Mona and ended up breaking up with her.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Good Sequal, Mar 11, 2023 I thought that this book was a great sequel to A TIME FOR DANCING. It didnt leave you confused about anything like some sequals do. It really summed it all up and I felt I got everything out of it and I didnt feel that there should be another book to complete. I really thought it was great and everyone should read it but they should read the 1st one before this one.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
you will bawl, Feb 26, 2023 i'm not usually a crier when i read, but this book brought on the tears. sam will make you cry. if you read it without reading a time for dancing, it wont have the same effect on you. this is one of the best sequels i have ever read.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Keep a box of tissues near by, Aug 21, 2023 I thought this book was the best sequel I've ever read. Sam has to learn to live life without her best friend jules. She goes through many tough times. She reaches her lowest low and has to remember some happy times and memories she had with jules to make her happy. Sam moves in with her new friend Mona and some of the time they don't get along. This book made me extremely sad but I think showed how much it hurts when your friend dies. This was a truely an amazing book.
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Okay..., Apr 4, 2023 A time for dancing was better that this but, it was still good. Sammie is upset about Jules but she dosent show her emotions. Mona be comes friends with sammie and they learn about each other. GOOD, it will make you cry!