|  | Robosports |  |  |  |  | List Price: | $49.99 | Availability: | This product is not available from any Amazon merchant. Please check for New and Used availability below. |  |
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|  |  |  | Editorial Reviews:
Editorial Review Let the games begin! Add a competitive edge to your LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Invention System with this RoboSports expansion set, letting you build robots that can throw, scoop, dunk, and kick. The 90-piece set comes with two foam balls (1.5 inch in diameter), three hockey pucks (each a half-inch thick), and a high-efficiency motor that gives bots the muscle they need to spring and kick or spin and throw at the same time. The 39-page Constructopedia gives tips and hints for setting up a game on the 25-by-35-inch "test pad" that's included, and you can set up one-on-one matches or build a team to take on friends, putting in play creations like the Dunkobot, Grabitobot, and Free Thrower. Comes with a Windows 95-compatible CD-ROM that takes you through 12 guided challenges. --Paul Hughes |  |  |  | Product Details
- Average Customer Review:
Based on 3 reviews. - Amazon.com Sales Rank: 16982
|  |  |  | Customer Reviews
2 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
It great, Dec 15, 2022 the callange of fighting other robots in battle is great And you get what you pay for
33 of 34 people found the following review helpful:
Isn't too much of an extension, Oct 26, 2022 This add-on features 1 extra motor and some large pieces to add on to the RIS 2.0. I feel it is Highly overpriced for a set of wheels/ 2 sponge balls / 60-70 pieces and a motor. I would have achieved better results with another set of extra lego bricks. The CD did not work on my Win 2000 machine.
27 of 131 people found the following review helpful:
Expantion, Jul 16, 2023 this set Require Lego Robotic Invention System For Create more Conplex Real Robotic
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