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Zome System Creator Kit
List Price: $129.99
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Editorial Reviews:

Editorial Review
The Zometool Creator Kit is an advanced construction system which allows building in 62 directions in space, using the same proportions found in growing cells, crystals, and other natural forms. Inquisitive minds will marvel and discover mathematical connections between space and the natural world. Capturing beauty and mystery, the Zometool Creator Kit encourages exploration of complex mathematical concepts through manipulating 968 pieces (struts and nodes), building relationships in space, and creating beautiful models. The colorful, sturdy plastic struts and nodes easily connect to holes with matching shapes, making it possible to engineer even intricate models with ease. Easy-to-follow, step-by-step, illustrated directions are included. The Zome System is used in schools worldwide--elementary through college--and by leading scientists, artists, mathematicians, engineers, and creative kids! Lesson plans for grades 1-12 are also available. The Zometool Creator Kit is a recipient of the Parent's Guide Children's Media Award. --Christine Aiken

Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 5.0 Based on 4 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 26171

Customer Reviews

16 of 17 people found the following review helpful:

4Zome System Creator Kit, Oct 29, 2022
My son received this set for his eighth birthday. It was frustrating for him, as well as myself, at first as the rods have to really be pushed hard into the balls in order for your creations to not fall apart easily. Afer hours of working with the set we have found it to be truly contagious. He has made some really amazing "buildings" and never wants to dismantel them so the 900+ piece set is very handy to have. I have a hard time seeing the price value in this product. It appears to be a very inexpensive product to manufacture and it sells for a fairly steep price.

31 of 33 people found the following review helpful:

5Top's K-Nex by a long shot!! Incredibly easy!!, Aug 16, 2023
Just an incredible set. The pieces are well shaped and fit together not only easily but logically, the pieces are color coded so there's no bending or frustration when they don't fit (like K-Nex) and the ball connectors are universal so you don't have to change them in order to add more.

I recently experimented with this set and found it very entertaining and addictive, your creativity can just take off and there's no limit!!

21 of 23 people found the following review helpful:

5What you get is more than you see., Jul 27, 2023
This construction set has been a staple in my elementary gifted classroom for nearly two years. The students love the creativity and impressive structures they can build. I love the fact that the materials require that you put a subtle twist into your thinking in order to succeed. But free-style construction is only the beginning! We have investigated the meaning and variations of tetrahedra, explored the shadows of student constructions, made bubbles that blow you away, and challenged one another to construction competitions. (Please don't tell my kids that they are learning!)

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful:

5Very cool -- intricate and approachable, Jul 13, 2023
Zome is a great step beyond knex -- at least as far as geometry and shape exploration. Very durable and well made!!!


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