Customer Reviews
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Hey!! Great!!!, Jul 31, 2023 This doll is awsome!!! I would have gotten her but the Hollywood Nolee got out and it looks much better. But about the fights,all you people that fight,someone can contact Amazon an they CAN do something,so if i were you I would cool it.
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A review BY: 'Kiss Up To Bratz', Jul 26, 2023 I had to use this thing because my real acount isnt working. anyway...... MY WRITTING IS BOLD...
I hate all bratz fans they are mean snobs I HATE ALL MY SCENE FREAKS...I MEAN FANS, TOO! . To that girl "Kiss up to bratz" you are a person who kisses your bratz, loves them more than your friends and familyHOW CAN I LOVE PLASTIC MORE THAN FRIENDS AND FAMILY? AND WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FROM? I DIDN'T SAY THAT. DUH., and starts a religion based on their ability to make you a slave to them HAHA FUNNY YOU SHOULD SAY THAT I ALREADY STARTED A BRATZ RELIGION....AGAINST MY SCENE FANS!!. myscene are better because they are more realistic and don't have skinnyskinny bodies and GIGANTIC lips REALLY? YOU CALL A MUTATED BARBIE NORMAL LOOKING? MY SCENE DOLLS LOOK LIKE MUTATED FREAKS!. no one likes bratz, THEN WHY ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE STANDING UP FOR BRATZ? DUH. "Kiss up to bratz". they are (..). get over it. NO, MY SCENE ARE (...). BARBIE DATES EVERY GUY IN THE MY SCENE COLLECTION. SHE IS A TRAMP!
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
nice, Jul 25, 2023 I hate all bratz fans they are mean snobs. To that girl "Kiss up to bratz" you are a person who kisses your bratz, loves them more than your friends and family, and starts a religion based on their ability to make you a slave to them. myscene are better because they are more realistic and don't have skinnyskinny bodies and GIGANTIC lips. no one likes bratz, "Kiss up to bratz". they are sluts. get over it.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Club birthday nolee dall bye mattel, Jul 24, 2023 Have her,love her,get her. That is all i have too say.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Good one, Jul 13, 2023 I have not been too impressed with My Scene dolls but I got this one and I like her. The Nolee doll is really nice. Her hair is great and very silky. Plus I like the outfit she has on and the one that comes with it. The accessories such as car keys, purse, birthday gift, lipstick are very cool. She has red lipstick on rather than purple like some have and that is much better looking. In case anyone wants to know, she will fit into the Fashion Fever shoes and clothes.