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Occupational, Industrial, and Environmental Toxicology
Publisher: C.V. Mosby
List Price: $105.00
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Edition: Hardcover
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5. Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies by Lewis Goldfrank, Neal Flomenbaum, Neal Lewin, Mary Ann Howland, Robert Hoffman, Lewis Nelson
Product Details
  • Hardcover: 829 pages
  • Publisher: C.V. Mosby; edition (May 1, 2023)
  • ISBN: 0323013406
  • Average Customer Review: 5.0 Based on 1 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 76468

Customer Reviews

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

5Unique book describing occupation-specific toxic hazardsThis, Dec 17, 2022
The only book of its kind that examines the toxicology of work related illness by occupation. So, a practitioner faced with a patient can look up and read about the toxic hazards that are specific to that patient's job or occupation. This book rated as one of the best by the American Journal of Industrial Medicine

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