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An Excerpt from Bill Watterson's Introduction: "Ive loved comic strips as long as I can remember. As a kid, I knew I wanted to be either a cartoonist or an astronaut. The latter was never much of a possibility, as I dont even like riding in elevators. I kept my options open until seventh grade, but when I stopped understanding math and science, my choice was made. There is great personal satisfaction in attending to detail and quality, and I remain very proud of the standards the strip met day after day. I also liked the responsibility of knowing that, succeed or fail, it was all my own doing. This approach kept the strip very honest and personal--verything having to do with Calvin and Hobbes expressed my own ideas, my own values, my own way. I wrote every word, drew every line, and painted every color. Its a rare gift to find such fulfilling work and I tried to show my appreciation by giving the strip everything I had to offer."
Exclusive Images from the New Collection More Calvin and Hobbes Books The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book |  Weirdos from Another Planet! |  Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons |
Book Description Calvin and Hobbes is unquestionably one of the most popular comic strips of all time. The imaginative world of a boy and his real-only-to-him tiger was first syndicated in 1985 and appeared in more than 2,400 newspapers when Bill Watterson retired on January 1, 1996. More than 30 million of the 17 Calvin and Hobbes books (all published by Andrews McMeel) have been sold. And now, we're pleased to announce that the entire body of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons will be published in a truly noteworthy tribute to this singular cartoon. Composed of three hardcover, four-color volumes in a sturdy slipcase, this edition will include all Calvin and Hobbes cartoons that ever appeared in syndication. This is the treasure that all Calvin and Hobbes fans will seek. |  |  |  | Product Details
- Hardcover: 1440 pages
- Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing; edition (Oct 4, 2023)
- ISBN: 0740748475
- Average Customer Review:
Based on 1 reviews. - Amazon.com Sales Rank: 199
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
The best comic strip that ever existed, Jun 23, 2023 I've been a fan of Calvin for about 4 years now. The strip takes an approach that other strips never dared to take: average American childhood. The strip follows a young 6-year old, Calvin, who is constantly getting into trouble (sounds like a lot of 6-year olds I know) with his mother and father. He also has a stuffed tiger, Hobbes, who comes to life when no one's around. Hobbes is a fiercely loyal friend, although he does have some little problems (i.e., reading Calvin's comics). Then there's Susie, the next-door neighbor. She was introduced into the strip as "the new girl in class", and she has remained one of the most important characters in the strip. Calvin is constantly bugging her, forming a club against her (G.R.O.S.S, Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) and basically just chewing her out.Bill Watterson, who apparently knows the children by heart, never stops to think about the boundaries of Calvin's imagination. Thus, every strip contains something new and fresh, from a duplicator machine gone awry, to the risk of going down a cliff on a toboggan, and literally thousands of ideas are thrown into the mix here, making it the most in-depth and creative comic strip that ever existed. In its 10 years of syndication (1985-95), Calvin and Hobbes was even outdoing Garfield as the most popular American comic strip ever. Having collected individual books for years, I was delighted to hear of this beautiful and comprehensive giftset. I had been doing voice acting with Calvin strips on a tape recorder for the same amount of time I was a Calvin fan, and it is still one of my favorite pastimes. The fans can salute Watterson now, as Calvin finally gets the special book treatment he deserves. Buy it now, or risk missing your second childhood. |  |  |  | Listmania!
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