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Natural Philosophy: Written to Evolve the Human Consciousness
by Ben Harris
Publisher: Authorhouse
List Price: $17.50
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Edition: Paperback
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Product Details
  • Paperback: 196 pages
  • Publisher: Authorhouse; edition (May 1, 2023)
  • ISBN: 1410728498
  • Average Customer Review: 3.5 Based on 3 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 441377

Customer Reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5I was very moved..., Jul 30, 2023
This is a very poetic and beautiful book. It has many different poems that are followed by a suggestion or a "philosophy" about how the poetry came to be, and what the deep thoughts and impressions are that go behind it. I was touched in almost a "spiritual" way reading this. It has an elegant, yet sort of devilish way about it that I think you'll appreciate. By no means though, this is a book that someone could live their life by. It is more or less a creative work of art, than anything to take too seriously. It is a nice, touching read...

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5Reading Guy needs to get a life...., Jul 16, 2023
Very pathetic you loser... Just the title of this book is more brilliant than you in every possible way. You are just a retard that spends all your life on the internet. Anyway, look beyond what this sick yahoo is telling you. They are obviously demented and sick in the head. Natural Philosophy is a beautiful book, and it's something we need more of in this world. And people like this nut are what we need less of. Go scoop your cat's droppings you loser.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

1Drivel.. don't buy this based on reviews, browse it in a bookstore before you buy!, Jul 9, 2023
I seriously recommend that any prospective purchaser just simply browse this book before deciding to buy. The poor English and extremely simplistic themes will be readily apparent. Maybe some other reviewers want you to drop your $20 on the book based simply on their good reviews, but I'm not making a cent by recommending that you browse before buying, right? I can't speak for those other reviewers who gave this book 5 stars. Nuff said.

A collection of crappy poems. It sounds like it could be an interesting read, but in reality Ben Harris has the writing talent of a 4 year old. Full of typos, improper use of the English language, and cliches. This book is a disgrace because it's not even up to the standard of high school english. I don't recommend that anyone buy this trash, and Amazon shouldn't even be carrying it. Oh well.


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