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The Beast And Babylon
by Ben Harris
Publisher: Authorhouse
List Price: $19.45
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Edition: Paperback
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Product Details
  • Paperback: 276 pages
  • Publisher: Authorhouse; edition (Jun 14, 2023)
  • ISBN: 1418433640
  • Average Customer Review: 3.5 Based on 5 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 522960

Customer Reviews

0 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

5Oh, please..., Jul 30, 2023
Same person here! Reading Guy and this fruit are clearly the same! I think this person should undergo some electric shock therapy. Anyway, The Beast and Babylon is pretty cool in my book. You have everything from a love story to machines destroying the crap out of cities and such. Don't listen to this loon's wild nonsense. Everybody has the right to their own opinion, but this fruitcake should get kicked.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

1I agree, this book is lame, Jul 26, 2023
That was good advice to check out this book in a bookstore first. This book is pretty bad. Lucky I didn't actually plop down my dough to buy it here just coz those other fanboys are pushing it.

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

5To Reading Guy..., Jul 17, 2023
This must be someone close to Ben Harris for such an outburst. I had seen this person's glorified "statements" time and time again; all bashing Ben Harris's novel The Beast and Babylon. I think if this crazy nut has nothing better to do in their own life, than to follow someone around with such rage, they really should seek professional mental help immediately. I myself have read both Beast and Babylons, and they both are terrific reads. Regardless of opinion, such actions are obviously not do to the quality of work(s), and such a person should be thought of as a mentally unstable person. My advice to Ben Harris is that he prosecutes this person for stalking.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

5Awesome..., Jul 16, 2023
Whoever wrote that last review... Just ignore it. Someone has a sick fettish about screwing Mr. Harris over. He has known to have a stalker, and they have been traveling around trying to bash his work. With every genius, you get some crazy loser trying to hurt them. But if you read his work, it speaks for itself. Beast and Babylon is a cool book, and the sequel is even better. The sequel is probably one of the best sci-fi books to date. So don't listen to the mustached, middle-aged loser that thinks they know everything. Because they are just a jealous idiot. I applaud you Mr. Harris. Can't wait for your next novel!

0 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

1Garbage, worse than a 4th grade short story!, Jul 9, 2023
Plot spoiler: The hero tries to stay out of the clutches of the all-seeing, all-powerful, evil government. The hype makes it sound like an interesting read, but in reality Ben Harris has the writing talent of a 4 year old. Seriously, I wrote better quality short stories when I was in grade school. Full of typos, bad grammar and massive quantities of incorrect use of the English language, and loads of cliches. This book is a disgrace because it's not even up to the standard of high school English. Seriously, you could watch a TV movie and get more intellectual stimulation than this book provides. I don't recommend that anyone buy this trash, and Amazon shouldn't even be carrying it. (This review is similar to another review I wrote for another of his books that I got suckered into buying at the same time.)


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