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Professional ASP XML
by Steven Hahn, Stephen Mohr, Brian Loesgen, Richard Blair, Alex Homer, Corey Haines, Dinar Dalvi, John Slater, Mario Zucca, Luca Bolognese, Kevin Williams, Bill Kropog, Mario Zuccar
Publisher: Peer Information Inc.
List Price: $49.99
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Edition: Paperback
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Editorial Reviews:
Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) and the Extensible Markup Language (XML) are two of the hottest Web technologies, but each, because it is a complex topic in its own right, usually is documented individually. Professional ASP XML ties the two together in an important way, illustrating how to utilize them both to produce next-generation Web applications.

This product of several Wrox authors shows how and where XML fits in with ASP development, and whets the reader's appetite for creative solutions to typical data-handling problems. Because the focus of the book is a step beyond the XML specification itself, the basics of XML are covered up front in a quick and practical discussion. The authors do a great job of explaining the Document Object Model, as well as the DTD-versus-schema controversy. Then it's on to the fun stuff: a look at how to build XSL style sheets dynamically from a database, bind XML data locally with data islands, and construct a component that encapsulates reusable XML file operations.

The best way to grasp the power of XML, however, is to see it in action. Fortunately, the authors devote a large portion of the book to case studies that use XML in various ways: to drive an online survey system, generate programmer documentation for DLLs, represent a shopping cart, and serve as the glue behind a workflow application. If you're developing for the Web, sooner or later you will find XML either useful or necessary. This book should be required reading for any serious ASP developer. --Stephen W. Plain

Topics covered:

  • XML syntax
  • DTDs and schemas
  • XSL and CSS
  • ASP/XML integration,
  • ADO/XML integration
  • Client-side XML data binding
  • XML procedure libraries
  • Schema repositories
  • SOAP
  • Data transferring
  • Data presentation

Product Details
  • Paperback: 883 pages
  • Publisher: Peer Information Inc.; edition (Jun 1, 2023)
  • ISBN: 1861004028
  • Average Customer Review: 3.5 Based on 31 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 200815

Customer Reviews

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

5Best for Programmers to implement XML in ASP, Aug 29, 2023
Excellent! for ones who are pro to ASP and need to intergrate XML with ASP! A must buy!

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

5Best for Programmers to implement XML in ASP, Aug 29, 2023
This is definitely a good book for developers having good knowledge of ASP and XML and how to integrate XML in ASP. I just loved this book. People who say they don't like it, they have not read the book I am sure. Its sure worth the money!

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

2Bad examples, choppy, dated and not for beginners, Apr 19, 2023
I'm a big fan of the WROX publications (for ASP in particular), but this book was a disappointment. The writing was choppy - as you might expect from a book with 14 guys on the cover. The examples were cryptic and raise more questions than they answer.

The author(s) seem to me to be attempting to impress us (and each other) with their knowledge of the subject rather than really trying to write a digestible explanation of ways to utilize XML in an ASP environment.

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful:

2Not worth it (at all), Oct 9, 2023
This book was a real dissapointment.

I LOVE wrox ASP 3.0 Ref and ADO 2.6 Ref. Maybe Wrox should have taken that approach with this book -- instead of trying to act like this book can in any way teach anything about XML.

The examples in this book are horrid, they aren't in depth enough, and more importantly, don't even correspond well with each other.

Too many of the chapters jump into the middle of a subject, then try to work back to the beginning and then forward to the end.

Trust me, I've read the first 5-7 chapters of this book and finally got so sick of all the ambiguity that I went out to the MS Site and learned more in 30 minutes there than I ever could have with this book.

Some of the case studies in the back are nice, and this book would have made a great reference (had they gone that route), but it is a horrible book to learn how to integrate XML with ASP.

Save your money.

7 of 13 people found the following review helpful:

1MAJOR disappointment, Aug 24, 2023
With a LARGE library that consists primarily of Wrox published books, I'm surprised this one was allowed to hit the shelves. Just their examples of SIMPLY Traversing an XML Tree, they use RECURSIVE Function calls!!! Get real, how about a simple example!!! And I know how to do this, I'm just speaking for the beginner XML programmer who's goingto have to try and understand WHY you recursively calleda function. Buy a different book!!! Because this one [is awful]!


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