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Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal
by J. K. Rowling, Alicia Dellepiane
Publisher: Lectorum Publications
List Price: $9.99
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Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Reading Level: Ages 9-12
Edition: Paperback
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Product Details
  • Paperback: 254 pages
  • Publisher: Lectorum Publications; edition (Jul 1, 2023)
  • ISBN: 8478886540
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 Based on 24 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 17657

Customer Reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

1Exelente libro - Pesima traduccion, Apr 12, 2023
Nunca se deberia traducir palabras como "embarrased" a "embarazado". No tiene sentido. Le quita la dicha a uno de leer este libro. Lo compre para leereselo a mi hijo pequeno y tengo que siempre cambiarle las palabras "al vuelo" para que las oraciones tengan sentido. Una lastima que una obra tan buena se feamente desmejorada por la pesima traduccion

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

5magnífico, Dec 28, 2022
Este libro me ha captivado desde el primer instante en que lo leí. Si usted es un hispanoparlante o estás aprendiendo español no tendrán ningún problema con este libro. He leído todos los libros de Harry Potter en español y cuando los comparo con las versiones americanas no veo nada perturbante. Recomiendo a todos que lean esta serie porque es tan buena que nunca querrán parar de leerla. And for you english speakers who are scared, dont be. This is after all a children's book. If you feel intimidated then have your spanish english dictionary handy because there are some words that they just dont teach you in spanish class, lol. If you have payed attention in your spanish classes and know all your grammar then the only thing that you might not know are some new words, and hey...thats how you learn anyway. happy reading

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

4Great way to practice other languages, Jul 23, 2023
This is a great, easy, relaxing way to keep up your already advanced Spanish. It might also be a good way to greatly improve your intermediate Spanish. Keep a dictionary and a notepad handy for those new vocabulary words. Or don't. After a little while of recording new words, I finally quit and just read for the pleasure of it, deciphering words by context. Sometimes I grabbed the English version to check a phrase. That worked well, too. In short, for use as a language builder and confidence builder, I highly recommend this book to you. However, if you're hoping to comprehend the complexities of grammar, there are just enough strange turns of phrase in this book that I would say this is not your first source for grammar lessons.

0 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

4harry potter y la pieda philosofal, Jul 2, 2023
i am american.. spanish is my third language. i have actually surprisingly never read the book yet in english(i will eventually) but i read it first in german, which is also not my mother language, but i think also with some of the critics that the translator could have done a better job. the gnome thing for clue how they thought that one up..and i dont know if its just me that found this to be odd...but when mcgonagall reads the names off for the sorting hat...even in the narration are the names reversed(not just the dialog)..last and then first that normal in spanish?? and they could have translated some of the fluffy as someone already mentioned. i think the german version overall though was more captivating...the language was more lively...for example..the part when harry and friends let norbert go at the top tower, in the text in spanish it había german..fort..fort...verschwunden..the german version there made me laugh out loud....the spanish version didnt have the same feel at all......otherwise..the translation was still good enough to increase your vocab immensly if spanish is your second language..and the grammar is not near bad enough to make you pick up any bad habits or anything. its good to read harry potter as a foreign language because its not an impossible text, but yet its not really easy either.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful:

4How can you miss?, Sep 24, 2023
I had read the complaints about the translation, and so I didn't buy it, but it is now at our local library in Spanish! Ha! And I wondered, is my Spanish good enough to read this book? And is my Harry Potter quotient high enough to smooth that over? Will I even understand why people don't think the translation is great (since I had not seen any specific criticisms)? After reading through it (and only stumbling over what it is Mr. Dursley sells for a living -- I'll never forget "taladros" now!), I can pinpoint what I think the weaknesses are. Tiny flourishes are left out. The vocabulary used isn't as rich as the English. There are small interpretive errors (Filch is the one who says "Bien, bien, bien ..." when he catches Harry and Hermione out of bed, not Harry). But I think the Spanish language publishers did not understand how wide a target audience was available to them. It's a children's book, right? How complicated does it have to be? As the "Piedra filosofal" stands now, it's ... enchanting! I would recommend it for a classroom where students can see the use of real grammar in sentences they might actually enjoy reading or as a gift for the Pottermaniac in your home who is waiting waiting waiting for the next installment.


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