Hudson Valley Sudbury School

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Displaying 1 to 7 (of 7 results) 1 
Reflections in a Looking Glass : A Centennial Celebration of Lewis Carroll, Photographer
by Morton N. Cohen
Publication Date: Nov 30, 1998
List Price: $50.00
Price: $31.50  You Save: $18.50 (37.00%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
41 New or Used from: $18.95
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Price: $31.50
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Lewis Carroll : A Biography
Publication Date: Oct 31, 1995
List Price: $35.00
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30 New or Used from: $5.50
Selected Letters of Lewis Carroll
by Morton N Cohen
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13 New or Used from: $3.35
Lewis Carroll, une vie, une légende
by Morton N. Cohen, Laurent Bury
Publication Date: Jan 1, 1998
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1 New or Used from: $55.42
Lewis Carroll and the House of Macmillan (Cambridge Studies in Publishing and Printing History)
Publication Date: Feb 12, 1987
List Price: $95.00
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2 New or Used from: $89.00
The Letters of Lewis Carroll: Vol.2 : 1886-1898
by Lewis Carroll, Morton N. Cohen, Roger Lancelyn Green
Publication Date: Sep 6, 1979
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1 New or Used from: $108.00
Lewis Carroll & the Kitchins
Publication Date: Jun 1, 1980
List Price: $37.50
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