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Managing for the Future : Organizational Behavior and Processes
by Deborah G. Ancona, Thomas A. Kochan, Maureen Scully, John Van Maanen, D. Eleanor Westney
Publication Date: Mar 15, 2004
List Price: $87.95
Price: $87.95  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
68 New or Used from: $26.50
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Price: $87.95
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Families, Schools, and Communities Building Partnerships for Educating Children (3rd Edition)
by Chandler Barbour, Nita H. Barbour, Patricia A. Scully
Publication Date: May 21, 2004
List Price: $61.33
Price: $61.33  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
50 New or Used from: $35.45
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Price: $61.33
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy
by Matthew Scully
Publication Date: Oct 1, 2003
List Price: $14.95
Price: $10.17  You Save: $4.78 (31.97%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
47 New or Used from: $7.50
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Price: $10.17
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Quantum Optics
by Marlan O. Scully, M. Suhail Zubairy
Publication Date: Sep 4, 1997
List Price: $70.00
Price: $48.52  You Save: $21.48 (30.69%)
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
29 New or Used from: $37.00
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Price: $48.52
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
The Shingle Style and the Stick Style : Architectural Theory and Design from Richardson to the Origins of Wright (Yale Publications in the History of Art)
by Vincent Scully
Publication Date: Sep 10, 1971
List Price: $26.00
Price: $26.00  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
22 New or Used from: $17.77
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Price: $26.00
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Louis I. Kahn : Unbuilt Masterworks
by Kent Larson, Vincent Scully, William J. Mitchell
Publication Date: 
List Price: $60.00
Price: $40.80  You Save: $19.20 (32.00%)
Availability: Usually ships in 1 to 4 weeks
12 New or Used from: $29.99
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Price: $40.80
Availability: Usually ships in 1 to 4 weeks
The Villas of Palladio
by Vincent Scully
Publication Date: May 1, 1992
List Price: $35.00
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7 New or Used from: $18.95
Psychiatry (National Medical Series for Independent Study)
Publication Date: Apr 1, 2001
List Price: $34.95
Price: $34.95  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
28 New or Used from: $24.22
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Price: $34.95
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Robert A. M. Stern : Buildings and Projects 1987-1992
Publication Date: Nov 15, 1992
List Price: $42.50
Price: $42.50  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Usually ships in 1 to 3 weeks
12 New or Used from: $22.04
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Price: $42.50
Availability: Usually ships in 1 to 3 weeks
Pueblo : Mountain, Village, Dance
by Vincent Scully
Publication Date: Feb 13, 1989
List Price: $35.00
Price: $35.00  You Save: $0.00
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
16 New or Used from: $9.00
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Price: $35.00
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
Copyright © 2004 Hudson Valley Sudbury School