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Ocean Wonders Aquarium
List Price: $29.99
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Accessories for Ocean Wonders Aquarium

Aquarium Bouncer   
Games and ToysOcean Wonders Fishbowl$16.99  
Games and ToysLil Nursery - Portable Play Tent and Sun Shelter for Babies and Toddlers$19.99$0.00 
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Editorial Reviews:

Editorial Review
This toy will make you want to take a nap. Equipped with straps that attach it to a crib, this play aquarium and music maker is the perfect thing to amuse a child or soothe them to sleep. There are three settings, depending on what kind of stimulation is needed: music only; music plus soft glowing lights; and music plus lights, bubbles, and moving fish. There are also three music options, the best one offering soft and melodic New Age fare, the other two somewhat odd, spacey versions of familiar lullabies. The music combined with the lights creates an instantly peaceful, soothing ambiance. There are a couple of buttons and doodads for baby to bat around that make the fish react in various ways. If these buttons were a little more responsive, this toy would be near perfect. --David Stoesz

Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 4.5 Based on 1015 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 536

Customer Reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

4"Good, but could be better", Sep 10, 2023
My son loves this toy and goes well with his nautical themed nurshery. The only thing I hate about it is the music. My son is fine as long as I have the music turned OFF! I would not really reccomend this item. Also, IT LEAKS!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5Love this Toy, Sep 9, 2023
We love this toy! Our baby has loved watching and listening to the sounds and lights of this crib toy since we brought him home. At 4 months he's been able to activate it himself for a while by kicking the large button. I expect it will only be more fun when he can sit and play with the other levers and ball.

Unlike some toys it has volume control - which is important when you are trying to calm a baby not over excite him.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5Makes my son go crazy!!, Sep 8, 2023
I am very glad I purchased this aqaurium. I had to move it up higher than the required 7 in. becuase my son kept swatting the button and bonking his head on it (thankfully he wasn't fazed) Now when I play it he gets really excited and tries like the dickens to crawl over to it. He giggles and squeals at it. It is a truly amusing sight. I just wish the music and lights would last longer. That's the only qualm I have about it.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

5My favorite baby purchase!!, Sep 7, 2023
My little one is now 2 yrs and 3 months old. I had wanted this aquarium for her from day one, but I held off because I didn't want to waste my money on something we didn't really need. Finally, I gave in and bought it for her 1st birthday. I thought it was probably too late to even get it for her, but I had been wanting it for so long - I couldn't ignore my shopping impulse anymore! :) Anyway, it turned out to be probably the best baby purchase we made her entire 2 yrs of life! Right off, as a 12 month old, she would turn it on during nap and at night to soothe herself. You'd think she had read the instructions! I never taught her to soothe herself! To this day, she is still in her crib (for the next 6 months til Baby #2 arrives) and still uses it when she's sad or lonely and needs soothing during naptime or at night. I'm SOOOO grateful I finally bought it when I did and I only wish I had purchased it sooner!! If we didn't already have this one, I'd be looking for a replacement for baby #2 due November 2005. :) Hope you like ours as much as we do!! :) (btw, it's extremely soothing even for adults!)

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:

1Mothers BEWARE .... it leaks, Sep 7, 2023
This aqaurium has been a lifesaver for me for almost 5 months. Sadly, I have to give it "1 Star" because it started leaking last night. The water was sticky (almost like a gel) and had an unusual smell. Luckily, my baby was not in his crib when this happened. Although this has helped many sleepless nights, I am afraid to purchase another one. Hopefully I will be able to find something similar to this to replace it.


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