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Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Holographic Yoda
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Product Details
  • Average Customer Review: 3.5 Based on 23 reviews.
  • Sales Rank: 7901

Customer Reviews

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

4I really wouldn't know, Jun 7, 2023
I really would not know how to rate this toy seeing that I have not had the chance to get one as they're all sold out. I agree with Darth Hooty.. some just hoard all the figures and sell them at outrageous prices on ebay. It's quite frustrating that some collectors are not able to purchase these figures.

3 of 11 people found the following review helpful:

5Awesome! Figure, May 14, 2023
I Ended up buying one on EBAY And it came in mint condition. I Now offically have all the exclusive hard 2 find figures.LAVA DARTH VADER, TARGET CLONE TROOPER And now the HOLOGRAPHIC YODA.

2 of 9 people found the following review helpful:

4Pretty decent figure for the collectors., Apr 29, 2023
I'm not an opener when it comes to exclusives, especially when turds like Code Cracker buy them all up and make it impossible for the average collector to find an item like this at a decent price. So, it kind of limits us to one because of availability (or lack there-of) unless we do pay double and triple retail on freaking E-bay. I myself, waited patiently for the "official" mass release on 04/10 and had no problem spending $25 to get the Holo-Yoda FREE!!!

1 of 7 people found the following review helpful:

5Cool beans!, Apr 22, 2023
I was lucky enough to finally receive one of these baby-boo's at Toys R Us. I think it's cool!

1 of 20 people found the following review helpful:

5Superb service, Apr 19, 2023
I was tipped off that these figures were going to be available on the 2nd.Thus,rather than stand in line with a bunch of Star Wars nerds at midnight madness, I simply ordered 50 of these from my computer and was in bed with my wife by 12:15. All arrived within a few days and in good enough shape to put on ebay.I sold all 50 at an average sale price of $22.75.

Thank you Amazon,keep up the good work.


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