Spotlight Reviews
Probably the most important video in my kids' library. My 2 1/2 year old twins are Laurie Berkner groupies. And they're not alone. When you watch this video, which is modest on production value and off the charts in entertainment value, you'll understand why. Berkner is a great performer, an excellent musician (as are her husband-bassist, Brian and keyboardist Susie), and a brilliant song writer. She really connects with kids too. The audience in the video is almost as entertaining as Laurie is. The kids act out the songs, put stuffed animals on their heads (got to bring a stuffed animal if you go to a Berkner concert) and loudly wake her up when she falls asleep. Also, there are a couple of great songs that aren't on her first 3 albums. I'm happy my kids love this and not Barney or Raffi. It's a lot of fun to watch. I have to confess, I can sing most of her songs too.
Awesome Entertainment for Kids Laurie Berkner's Video Songbook is a refreshing addition to the line-up of children's music videos available. I stumbled upon her work completely by accident as I bought tickets for a children's concert because it was on a day my husband could come. What a delightful surprise! When we came home, I immediately ordered all her recordings, which are now the undisputed favourites in my 2-year-old's collection.
Just to warn you, Laurie may just be the most groovy children's entertainer out there. Her music is hip and lively, her lyrics are interesting and intelligent, and she, herself, sparkles (and it's not all glitter). She is fabulous at connecting with children and this is evident on this video. My son also loves watching the kids in the audience as they dance and participate. This video contains some of our favourite songs... and we eagerly anticpate a new CD recording of those songs not released elsewhere. This is not the most polished video production but that is part of the reason we think so highly of it (I'm not a fan of slick, fast programming for kids... and there are no previews!). I can 99.9% guarantee that your child will love this video and I can only imagine that you will, too. Victor Va Va Voom !!! My son gets up early!! But it's never monotonous because I get a healthy mix of getting up early and his crankiness. Milk just won't do anymore so I've learned to turn on the "boob tube". Now I have to get creative , because the news , really doesn't get him out of his moods , so I turned on the Noggin channel. He loves the Noggin shows. But the only thing that he loves more is this red pants lady who plays a guitar and can't dance.But she sure is entertaining and fun to watch. I intially saw Laurie Berkner on the Noggin Channel , singing "Victor Vito". My son and I were inbetween shows , suddenly , this lady comes on with red pants and a colorful shirt and is singing chidren's songs and playing a guitar. My son was amazed and couldn't take his eyes , of the screen. I couldn't either because , although she's got no rhythm.....she ain't hard on the eyes. Shortly , after that initial viewing , I found myself anticipating her videos , inbetween shows. I guess it was destined that I visited her website and saw that she had released a video. Although , it's poor format , and not put together , incredibly creatively...there's no denying that she's got the stuff , to make the kids happy. She's like a female Mr.Rogers. But I'm only speaking comparatively , in terms of her attraction , for the kids. Because I never got a video of Mr. Rogers and I grew up with him. My son loves the video and I highly recommend it. To be perfectly honest.....I kinda like it too. Because she's hot and I can't get in trouble for entertaining my kids.